Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 2014

 May was a busy month for us in 2nd grade.  We worked hard to get everything wrapped up before the end of the year.  In math, we touched on the introduction to multiplication and division.  In social studies, we wrapped up our unit on map skills.  In science we finished out the year with our last chapter on motion and magnets.  In writing we did our "big" project for the year which was a two paragraph animal report.  The students picked an animal they were interested in and did research on that animal and wrote/typed up their reports and got to add clip art as a final touch.  We also made Mother's Day gifts which included a flower craft and a writing sample "All About My Mom".  The last craftivity we did was make a "suitcase" about our year in 2nd grade.  They students added several pages to the book about activities they did during the year.  The last couple days of school included a field trip to Wylie Park/Storybook Land and rollerskating at Skate Away.  We also had a track and field day "The Wildcat deCAThlon"! It was a great year and I enjoyed it and the students very much!  Here's wishing you all a wonderful summer break and looking forward to seeing you again when school starts back up!  HAPPY SUMMER!

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